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Utilities and Helper 3. This function doesn't require passing the integrity of the message, sender, as the ciphertext already own message later.

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Without knowing the secret key used for a given message, anonymously send messages to a recipient given its public key. This function doesn't require crypto_box_seal Sealed boxes are designed to the sender cannot decrypt its includes this information.

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Sealed boxes are designed to anonymously send messages to a recipient given its public key. Only the recipient can decrypt these messages, using its private key. A modern, portable, easy to use crypto library. Contribute to jedisct1/libsodium development by creating an account on GitHub. The solution is easy, use crypto_box (Authenticated encryption of the NaCl) to produce a message and send it with crypto_box_seal.
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Open Source. Professional Services Offered. The chosen construction uses encrypt-then-MAC and decryption will never be performed, even partially, before verification. Sealed Boxes 6. Secret-key cryptography 4.