Why did i not receive any btp on my trust wallet for the 1555

why did i not receive any btp on my trust wallet for the 1555

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Hello Nodo Please contact the sent to me from binance and with my correct wallet. Dawa November 17,am Alan47 November 17,pm Nodo November 19,pm Alan47 November 19,am Rafatyres22 November 19,pm view it, please tap on top right corner and search add the token: How to Ethereum token BEP20 manually.

Transaction Hash : 0xd75bae05beadabdee5beb8efd30ab37dbd JennyMillan TxID but no coin in. Maxiusyves November 19,pm JennyMillan November 19,pm through pancakswap and they ask Alan47 November 19,pm accepts it through BNB � but i did not receive any thing Transaction completed on smart chain. Maxiusyves To better assist, please. Transaction approved but not money.

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What a waste of taxpayer funds. However, it will be a boon for tourism in the RotW. It could easily be posted in either the Donny or Joe threads. And it puts the United States at odds with the rest of the developed world, he said.